
What our members write about us!

Thanks for reaching out. We made a lot of decisions in the past year with our new business - some good ones and some bad ones. Joining Merit was definitely one of the better decisions we made. 

Benefits are good, priced competitively, very easy to manage and an effective tool for luring and keeping top talent. Hour bank really is a great solution for offering benefits in the construction industry.  

Andy Brown 
Member since 2016

Select Mechanical

I am writing this letter to recommend Merit Contractors Association New Brunswick as a Group Benefit and Training Provider.

Merit NB is very respected by our company as it works diligently to provide expert service, with a high level of integrity. In 2009, Merit NB played a pivotal part in helping FundyPros implement its first ever Companywide Group Benefit Plan. From the get-go, they provided FundyPros’ Management and Field Staff with all the knowledge necessary about Benefits, allowing FundyPros to make the best decision for our company’s and employees’ needs.

Merit NB ensures that it continually benchmark our plan, confirming that we’re getting the best bang of our buck. The plan has a great product offering, appealing to all level of employees – from field to management. I often get the comment from my field employees that they love the plans coverage and flexibility. The plan is developed for Contractors that may suffer periods of contractions and lay-offs in that it allows employees the ability to remain covered even when they’re laid-off.

I would highly recommend Merit NB to any company that is in the market for a flexible and cost effective benefit plan for their employees. We are truly satisfied with Merit NB’s work.

Sincerely, Jamie Pelletier-Bernier, CPHR, MBA
Operations and HR Manager
Member since 2009

Fundy Pros Specialty Construction